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For a Better Japanese Learning Environment

and the Future of our Children 

HSC Japanese Continuers コースの

Japanese Language Education in Australia


「どこの大学に通わせるのか、バイリンガルに育てるのか、マルチリンガルに育てるのか、将来どこで暮らすのか、ご家庭でよく話し合い、お子さんの性格を考えた上で、教育機関を選ぶ事が大切。そして、一度決めたからといって、それを目標にがちがちに進めていくのではなく、途中で適宜修正をしながら、子どもにとって最善の方法を選んでほしい」とUniversal Kids代表であり当委員会の役員でもある内野尚子先生も述べています。

Understanding the education system is a must when raising children in Australia.  Do you know that children can study Japanese within the school education system in NSW?  If your children wish to study Japanese within that framework, it is important to understand the system and what options are available for your children as well as to have a vision of what you and your children want to achieve. 

Ms Naoko Uchino, the Chief Representative of Universal Kids, a comprehensive education centre for all age groups, and an executive member of HSCJC has this to say:  Families need to have extensive discussions on which university to aim for, whether the children will be raised as bilinguals or multilinguals and where they will live in the future as well as to consider their personalities before selecting a school.  It is also important to make appropriate adjustments along the way, to choose the best route for the individual child rather than be preoccupied with strictly following the initial decision.






言語コースの履修基準を設けている州や準州は他にもありますが、NSWの基準がもっとも厳しいものでした。NSW州に置ける差別的な制度の撤廃を求める必要があったため、HSCJCは履修基準の見直しや設定されたコースの問題点認識と解決について、NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) やDepartment of Education (DEC), 諸教育機関、NSWの傾向が強く(を削除)、州教育大臣などに対し、その改善に向けて働きかけを行ってきました。


その結果、家庭での言語使用に関しての基準の適用の緩和、2011年のHeritage Langauge コースの導入、2022年5月には「家庭での言語使用」に関する基準が削除されるという大きな変更がありました。



HSCJC holds information sessions and seminars every year to assist parents’ understanding of the current status of education in Australia and other related topics.  We also hold discussion sessions as necessary for parents at Japanese Community Language Schools to respond to their queries and provide advice.  HSCJC raises its operating funds by selling Japanese cakes at these events.  




​会員登録は下記をクリックしていただくと会員申込書をダウンロードしていただけます。ご署名をご記入の上 hscjcm@gmail.comまでメールにてお申し込み下さい。

Membership Registration

Members are sent information on upcoming seminars and information sessions.  Please click the word document icon below to download the membership application form, fill in the details and sign the document before mailing it to



Whether you took Japanese for your HSC, decided against it or were unable to take it, we would like to hear your story. 

Success! Message received.


Event Calendar

Please see below for the schedule of future seminars and meetings.



2007年に発足し、2011年に正式名HSC Japanese Committee Incorporateで登録し、非営利団体(NPO)となりました

HSCJC is an organization of volunteers consisting mostly of parents from Japanese Community Language Schools in NSW.  The organization is also supported by teachers of Japanese.

HSC Japanese Committee Inc. (HSCJC) was founded in 2007 and was incorporated as HSC Japanese Committee Incorporate, a not-for-profit community organisation (NPO) in 2011 . 

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